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01.02 - 30.06


01.04 - 30.06


15.04 - 30.06

Combination of two casting methods, Lost wax and drop casting

Splatter originated from an extensive investigation into the multifaceted properties of bronze as a material, encompassing a thorough exploration of its casting, moulding, and sculpting attributes. Bronze, renowned for its unique amalgamation of density and pliability, presented a captivating realm ripe for exploration. Through the meticulous examination of the lost wax casting method, we not only delved into the nuances of working with bronze but also embarked on a journey into the realm of wax and its inherent qualities. The evolution of the bronze casting project unfolded as a rich tapestry of experimentation and discovery. In the pursuit of devising a personalised casting methodology, my exploration commenced with the intricate intricacies of the drop casting technique. This initial foray sparked a cascade of inspiration, ultimately leading to the conceptualisation of capturing the dynamic 'splatter' phenomenon – the mesmerising interplay of form and fluidity that ensues when an object collides with a liquid surface."



01.02 - 30.06


01.04 - 30.06


15.04 - 30.06

Exploration of bronze and its casting method.





01.02 - 30.06


01.04 - 30.06


15.04 - 30.06

The journey towards encapsulating the dynamic phenomenon of splatter commenced with a meticulous exploration into the intricacies of drop casting method—a sophisticated technique harnessing the force of gravity to sculpt materials into desired forms. This initial foray sparked a profound realisation: the potential to immortalise the captivating interplay of motion and fluidity when an object collides with a liquid surface.

Embarking on this creative odyssey, I initially turned to moulding clay as my medium of choice. However, despite earnest efforts, the results fell short of expectations. The inherent lack of viscosity in the clay yielded mere imprints, failing to evoke the desired splatter effect. Undeterred by this setback, I pivoted towards experimenting with clay slip, a variant offering promise yet posing its own set of challenges due to its excessive viscosity, impeding the seamless transition into wax. Determined to surmount these obstacles, I embarked on a daring endeavour to directly replicate the splatter using wax.

replicate the splatter using wax. Through ingenuity and resourcefulness, I devised a novel approach utilising a water-filled balloon as the foundational structure, upon which molten wax was carefully poured. Yet, the path to perfection was fraught with challenges; meticulous adjustments to the wax's consistency and the water's temperature became imperative, ensuring the precise balance required for the desired splatter effect to materialise.


Through relentless perseverance and unwavering dedication, I eventually achieved a breakthrough. Layer upon layer, the splatter was meticulously captured within the wax, each iteration a testament to the boundless creativity and meticulous craftsmanship that underpinned this endeavour. Thus, the final outcome stood as a testament to the triumph of innovation over adversity—a stunning representation of splatter, frozen in time, transcending mere replication to become a masterpiece of artistic expression.



01.02 - 30.06


01.04 - 30.06


15.04 - 30.06

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